For some reason, a small circle cutout placed in a safe area gives Warning – Minimum Metal Thickness. At the same time, several other identical cutouts, placed around the one in question, are perfectly fine.
See these files:
• this design gives two warnings, for two cutouts placed on each side of the enclosure
• this other design, with a lot of identical cutouts also on each side of the enclosure (but with the two offending cutouts missing), gives no warnings
How is that cutout related to "Minimum Metal Thickness" ? Sounds like nonsense to me. Is this something really related to laser processing, or is just a bug of the program ?
Cutout warning with no apparent reason
Moderators: cduffney, akirk, mpyne, mrodden
Re: Cutout warning with no apparent reason
Hi Secariaca,
I'll have to check with IT to see if I can download your files before I can look at them.
But minimum metal thickness just means somewhere the cutout is less than 1/2 metal thickness. Maybe there is a bug but if this is the cause you won't get charged.
Best Regards
I'll have to check with IT to see if I can download your files before I can look at them.
But minimum metal thickness just means somewhere the cutout is less than 1/2 metal thickness. Maybe there is a bug but if this is the cause you won't get charged.
Best Regards