Mac Installation Issue "Protocase Designer is damaged"

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Mac Installation Issue "Protocase Designer is damaged"

Post by sakurasanta86 »

Hi everyone,

due to the Gatekeeper security settings in Mac OSX, you may see this message when you are installing Protocase Designer. The good news is, the file isn't actually damaged and can be installed after doing the following steps.

1) If you are running a version older than OSX Sierra, skip to step 2. Open the ‘Terminal’ app, and enter the command “sudo spctl --master-disable” , hit enter then authenticate with an admin password. Here is a reference for the steps I just mentioned: ... atekeeper/

2) Change the security settings in Gatekeeper to 'allow apps downloaded from app store and identified developers'. Try to install Protocase Designer again. If you still get the file is damaged message, change this to 'allow apps downloaded from anywhere'

After changing the settings in Gatekeeper, you shouldn't see the file is damaged message anymore.


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