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there is a mess with the decimal separator

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:07 am
by secarica
My system is set to use comma as decimal separator. By opening an existing drawing, all dimensions are shown with comma, which is ok. However, when I try to adjust something (say, X origin from 87,01 mm to 87,02 mm) the program gives „Some objects have intersected a face boundary. Continue?” If I press yes, the object moves near to the origin arrows/corner and the new X origin of the object becomes 3,30. The Y axis also gets screwed.

If at the time of changing value I enter manually 87.02 (i.e. changing the comma with a dot), the same error popups, however, now the X turns to 87,02 (i.e. it retains the correct value, while displaying back with comma, as it should) but the Y screws by itself even if I didn't touched the value there. The only way to be able to successfully adjust a position value is to change manually the decimal separator from comma to dot on both X and Y values before pressing enter, regardless if I need to change both or just one of the numbers.

The same apply to width and high of an object (or so I think; until now I wasn't able to successfully modify only the height or only the width of an object, but maybe I didn't tried every combination) and probably on every other place.

How am I suppose to work this way ?

(I am using 4.4.9 from June, on Windows)


Re: there is a mess with the decimal separator

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:02 pm
by dronne
I did find a bug in the code for dealing with Locales. Please try the following version: ... -Jul07.exe

Sorry for the trouble!
--Douglas Ronne

Re: there is a mess with the decimal separator

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:06 pm
by secarica
Yes, this bug has been fixed now. Thanks!

EDIT: different bug moved to the other thread.
