How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Bulletins and Comments about future work on Protocase Designer

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How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dmilburn »

To all Protocase Designer Users:

Please keep in mind the following:
  • We are actively working on Protocase Designer. If you have any comments, requests for features or suggestions for improving our software, please let us know - the feedback is super helpful to us.
  • We actively support our users, and will help you learn to use the software, address individual problems, and if you have requirements that go beyond the capabilities of the software, our tech team can often pick up your design and add the features that you require.

    Please use this forum to communicate with us, or email us directly. Although we can't fix everything, we'll definitely answer you, and do our best on your behalf.

Doug Milburn
Chairman, Protocase Inc.

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by steve88 »

how about adding a simple undo button... when you make a mistake on this there is no way to correct the error. a undo button would be a great idea. thanks

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

Then you will be very pleased with version 3.12. It will have at least:
  • Undo/ Redo
    • In the face editor
    • In the 3d view
    • In the cutout editor
  • Improvements to the Cutout Editor stability and usability
  • Silkscreen Improvements
    • Ability to silkscreen to near the edge
    • Compatibility with most or all editors that edit .png files
Thank you for your input, it makes me feel good that we are on the right track!

--Douglas Ronne
Lead Developer

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by eldenc »

Very cool tool, I will be buying stuff from you because of it!

Could you add a "save as" (or export) that will save the current view as a *.png or *.jpg?

And of course more Cutout Libs....

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by eldenc »

It would be nice if the 'face' editor would show the handles, etc of a 4u rack face. Is there an option fo that?

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

Exporting views is an excellent idea. I'll keep that in mind. Showing the handles or their shadows in the face editor is also a great idea. Would you think it needs to show the circles where it attaches or the entire handle?
--Douglas Ronne
Lead Developer

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by Gilby234 »

Design sharing...3-D pdf. or export to other format or at least print it onto paper. Some way to share the concept without exposing someone else to the learning curve for this software.

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by Gilby234 »

Also...any ability to louver or add panels with vented louver slots?

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

There will be the ability to print out faces very soon. I think I could add a screenshot ability that saved any view as an image as well quite easily.

I'm checking with the mechanical engineers on our capabilities with regards to vented louver slots.
--Douglas Ronne
Lead Developer

Posts: 353
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:54 am

Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

Ok, we can do louver slots: We do not have support for them in protocase designer at the moment, however if you were to make a cutout or construction line rectangle that was the width and height of the louver, you could just ask that it actually be a louver. In the next release of designer (this week) we will have the ability to add notes to parts and our engineers will see those notes. This will be easier and more reliable than sending an email or calling us to tell us you would like a modification to the design.
--Douglas Ronne
Lead Developer

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