How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Bulletins and Comments about future work on Protocase Designer

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

Good idea, we've considered doing this. I think I'll get it moving.
--Douglas Ronne
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Some of my most beloved suggestions for Protocase Designer..

Post by gus »

Hi Douglas,

I have already done a handful of cases with Protocase Designer and had them made by you. The process has been smooth to date, but here are a few suggestions to make the software even better:
  • Add a new cutouts for countersunk holes! eg. Choose M4 countersink, place on inside or outside. It would be awesome for the assembly screws as well. Every time I place an order I need to go through the extra step of requesting countersunk holes, which are important, especially in situations where multiple devices may be stacked (eg. rackmount)
  • I WOULD LOVE to see a new rack-mount design which allows for the largest maximum inner height possible, automagically adjusted based on the gauge of metal chosen.
    • This is especially important for those of us designing 1U, requiring maximum inner clearance for transformers, line-level AC circuit boards, and tall components in general
    • For the time being, we have been making U and L shape cases and adding our own brackets after the fact
    • It would also be nice if this new design could allow for maximum cutout freedom on the front and rear panels by completely avoiding assembly hardware in these important locations (another reason we have been going the L-shape/U-shape + bracket route)
    • I have a few examples of gear using such designs if you're interested, although I'm sure you guys can figure it out?
    • For example, a cool design would be an L-shape and/or U-shape, but with an extended cover, having a few extra bends on the front to form strong rack ears :). This would mean a total of only 2 metal components, keeping costs low, and end-user assembly is a snap!

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

I will make sure to get countersunk holes into the next version. I will also request a new template design for the Rackmounts that preserves the maximum space possible for cutouts on front and rear.

Thank you very much for your feedback, it is through such feedback that we are able to improve our product!

--Douglas Ronne
--Douglas Ronne
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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by gus »

Hi Douglas,

Thanks for the reply... I'm glad you monitor this forum.

Very exciting about the rackmount template design... It would be awesome if it maximized the inner height as well (especially 1U)... ;)

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

Honestly I've put a lot of work into Protocase Designer and I love where its gone. And making it better is really a passion for me so I really appreciate getting good feedback on what would make it better for our users.

--Douglas Ronne
Lead Developer,
Protocase, Inc
--Douglas Ronne
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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by Abak »

It would be helpful to have a search bar in the cutout library, both in Protocase Designer, and on the website. It would be much easier than just having the Tags to browse through.


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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by Abak »

I agree with the users above think having a maximum inner height rack mount enclosure would be useful. I am designing a 1U rack mount right now, and I'll need to have it altered because the inner enclosure is smaller than the 1U face plate and my components won't fit. In addition to this the center fastener on the front face gets in the way of larger cutouts the user may want to put in the center of the unit. I would be good to be able to remove, or move this fastener, or even to be able to duplicate it to the left and right of a center mounted component.

With regard to this, I think it would also be useful to be able to remove certain faces such as the rear and top covers from the rack mount, and have the instant quote reflect this instead of having to make a request for these removals and get a custom a quote.

Thanks for all the hard work on the continual updates.


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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by bdcooke »

When creating a custom shaped enclosure I think it would be cool to be able to edit the shape of the boxes after choosing a template, similar to the path tool except 3d. Or to start with letting us draw a 2d shape and then give a distance to extrude it. For example if i wanted a hexagon shaped box, i could start with a rectangle, add some vertices and move in the corners, or i could draw a 2d hex and say I want it 10" tall.

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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by dronne »

I must apologize for not responding sooner. We had a glitch with the forum and it did not notify me of new posts. I should have been suspicious that there were none however.

The current testing version (which should be released very soon) has maximum height rackmounts (it is an option). If you would like to try them out, you can find the current version at ... -Nov25.exe

I will consider adding a version where the fastener is changed to two on the outside. I've had one or two other requests for that.

Also, a search bar is a good idea. I have added it to my todo list.

There are some real challenges with this but we are working on something that would allow this. The big issues are making sure the software does not allow designs that we can't build (that would get very frustrating - sheet metal is very constraining and we don't want you to have to know too much in order to do your design). That said, look in about 6 months or so for a beta of Generalized Sheet Metal Designer.

--Douglas Ronne
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Re: How do we make Protocase Designer better?

Post by chambersj »

I did not read thru all of these, but I would like to be able to move a cutout or text (when it's selected) with the arrow keys on my keyboard instead of the mouse.

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